Kuwait’s Union of Automobile Agents was established on 23/8/1978.

The idea for establishing “Union of Automobile Agents” was born from an initiative presented by a number of authorized autos’ agents of Kuwait for their perception of the necessity for existence of a legal regularization which shall represent them and care for their interests and through which they shall coordinate their business matters, demands and hopes and shall demand and defend their rights before the official authorities and etc. and elucidate their points of view and specifically opinions. Allover progress and economic boom in Kuwait which included different sectors of the Company … implied that they must accompany by a high class social, administrative and management progress, and which was witnessed by the past epoch in the Country, whereas several public utility associations, professional unions, charitable societies and cultural organizations were established and all this is a proof for the propriety and title of progress and advancement.

Union of Automobile Agents was declared in the official gazette in September / 1978 vide a resolution of Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor, and since that time the Union is performing its duties in the most perfect way according to the Union’s bylaws’ provisions and according to the legal and commercial rules applicable in the Country.

It is natural for a business environment to have guilds and unions or in more comprehensive expression : Businessmen Unions as these unions play an important role in the field of caring for the members’ interests and their representation, while article (85) of law No.(38/1964) about the employment in the Kuwait private sector has set forth “Businessmen have the right for formation of unions aimed at regularizing and defending their objectives as provided for in article (69) “Formation of Unions by businessmen is guaranteed under the law and the Union shall be treated as a body corporate”, and Kuwaiti lawmaker has used a term “Businessmen” so that it includes every person who is engaged in a work through which he gets a material return (economic work-activity) whether this work is a material or commercial.

The Traders Union can be define more precisely, that it is a group of persons engaged in a similar or identical commercial work facing the same problems and establish a mutual organization aimed at exchange of ideas and statistics and laying down standard specifications for the goods and services – subject of the common work and otherwise of the works which achieve the common interests without a compulsory membership of the Union. (1)

And since the Union’s work is pivoted around regularization of the members’ interests, their representation and defending them, it also includes several works and activities, inter alia for example:
- To lay down the standardized specifications for goods and services, in cooperation with the competent authorities as to safeguard :
• Commercial environment of the work they are engaged in.
• Protection of consumers from the commercial fraud.
- Exchange of information and statistical data.
- To lay down normal and standard conditions in the contracts signed with the customers and to prepare contract’s models.
- And otherwise of the works which achieve the common interest (2).


Normally the Unions work for achievement of objectives illustrated generally in the Kuwait Labor Law (Art.85), which are represented in regularization of the common interests of members and defending them, and since this expression is general so the Union of Automobile Agents tries to :
- To raise the level of common works of its members and help them in exchange of information and expertise.
- To represent the members before third party.
- To illustrate their point of view about different issues concerning them, whether commercial or otherwise.
- To serve the Union’s basic objectives.




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